Helped Flinn & Steel to profitably increase their revenue by 200% in the first 4-5 months of 2023 🚀

  • Revenue has increased by 200% in the 5 months we’ve worked together
  • Ad spend has been tripled in this period, and efficiency has maintained during scale
  • Budget has been increased by 50% on average monthly
  • Had best ever sales month in May 23
Let's Talk


We partnered with sister brands Flinn & Steel, and Jessica Flinn Jewellery in December of 2022.

They’d worked with quite a few different marketing agencies in the last few years, but hadn’t managed to find the right fit. In Q4 of 2022, they took their paid media in house temporarily.

Our approach

  • Revenue has increased by 200% in the 5 months we’ve worked together
  • Ad spend has been tripled in this period, and efficiency has maintained during scale
  • Budget has been increased by 50% on average monthly
  • Had best ever sales month in May 23

How did we do it?

When we did our initial ad account audits, we saw lots of money being left on the table. The main issues we noticed:

Spending a good chunk of budget optimising for the wrong conversion objective (traffic, brand awareness)

Not enough creative being tested to scale efficiently

No real account structure in place Budget being allocated poorly

Majority being spent on mid/ bottom of funnel which led to overall performance being cannibalised

We started by moving all budget to conversion optimised campaigns, if our objective is to drive purchases, then we should always optimise for this. Regardless of poor advice from ‘gurus’ online telling you traffic campaigns bring people into the funnel for a cheaper cost. Always optimise for conversions!

Next, we built out an efficient ad account structure built for scaling spend.

TOF ABO - Testing campaign - 10% of total budget

TOF CBO - Scaling campaign - 70% of total budget

MOF - Retargeting campaign - 20% of total budget

Ad Account Overview

Each campaign has a different purpose in our overall strategy. We test new assets weekly in the testing campaign, and scale what works into the scaling campaign.

The purpose of the scaling campaign is to drive the volume we need. The purpose of the retargeting campaign on a low budget is to drive really nice efficiency and push customers over the line.

Main Ad Account Takeaways

Next Steps

Want results like this for your brand?

Helped Flinn & Steel to profitably increase their revenue by 200% in the first 4-5 months of 2023 🚀

  • Revenue has increased by 200% in the 5 months we’ve worked together
  • Ad spend has been tripled in this period, and efficiency has maintained during scale
  • Budget has been increased by 50% on average monthly
  • Had best ever sales month in May 23


We partnered with sister brands Flinn & Steel, and Jessica Flinn Jewellery in December of 2022.

They’d worked with quite a few different marketing agencies in the last few years, but hadn’t managed to find the right fit. In Q4 of 2022, they took their paid media in house temporarily.

Our approach

How did we do it?

When we did our initial ad account audits, we saw lots of money being left on the table. The main issues we noticed:

Spending a good chunk of budget optimising for the wrong conversion objective (traffic, brand awareness)

Not enough creative being tested to scale efficiently

No real account structure in place Budget being allocated poorly

Majority being spent on mid/ bottom of funnel which led to overall performance being cannibalised

Ad spend tripled

175% Increase in conversion rate

Orders increased by 150%

We started by moving all budget to conversion optimised campaigns, if our objective is to drive purchases, then we should always optimise for this. Regardless of poor advice from ‘gurus’ online telling you traffic campaigns bring people into the funnel for a cheaper cost. Always optimise for conversions!

Next, we built out an efficient ad account structure built for scaling spend.

TOF ABO - Testing campaign - 10% of total budget

TOF CBO - Scaling campaign - 70% of total budget

MOF - Retargeting campaign - 20% of total budget

Ad account overview

Each campaign has a different purpose in our overall strategy. We test new assets weekly in the testing campaign, and scale what works into the scaling campaign.

The purpose of the scaling campaign is to drive the volume we need. The purpose of the retargeting campaign on a low budget is to drive really nice efficiency and push customers over the line.

Hear from our partners

We’re looking forward to continuing to break records as we approach the peak period of the year in Q4!

Main ad account takeaways

Want results like this for your brand?