How we helped Enigma Football scale their sales by 155% 🚀

  • Revenue up 155%
  • Orders up 106%
  • Store sessions up by 200%
Let's Talk


Founded in 2020 Enigma Football had been bored in lockdown and wanted an exciting way to collect football shirts. They decided to create a mystery football shirt box to help football fans grow their football shirt collection in the most unique and exciting way possible.

Enigma partnered with us in February of 2024, with desires to grow to new levels this year, and so far we have helped them to do just that!

Our approach

Our process involved creating a custom built creative strategy centered around hero products and winning offers, that effectively communicated the brand’s key messages through powerful imagery, and engaging content, naturally appealing to the target demographic of football obsessed males of all ages!

We built out a creative feedback loop, constantly monitoring hook rates and hold rates of our video creatives, as well as conversion metrics such as CAC/ ROAS. This allowed us to remove the guesswork and spend all of our time producing new assets based on what was already working.

By leveraging this approach, we not only doubled sales in just 3 months, but also gathered valuable data on which specific creatives resonated with their customer.

  • Revenue up 155%
  • Orders up 106%
  • Store sessions up by 200%

How did we do it?

Focusing on new offers/ bundles

Something we had noticed in our initial audit, was a competitive mystery football shirts space, so it was important for us to work with Enigma on crafting new bundles/ compelling offers so that we could stand out in a competitive space.

Holistic measurement

Tracking the correct business wide, holistic metrics (not just living inside of the ad account):

MER (Marketing efficiency ratio)

CAC (Customer acquisition costs)

NCAC (New customer acquisition cost)

AOV (Average order value)

CVR (Conversion rate)

Once we had the full picture with the above metrics we began to work backwards to implement the perfect Meta marketing strategy that would allow the brand to profitably & efficiently scale finding new customers.

Pain Points

  • Conversion rate of below 2%, we worked with the client to get this up to 3% by running regular landing page audits and tests
  • Competitive space, lack of differentiation
  • Lack of creative testing/ content production - Creative fatiguing too quickly
  • Creative doing product an injustice - Lack of focus around key angles/ value propositions of the products

Ad Account Overview

  • Super consolidated account
  • Having a testing/ scaling CBO campaign for each winning product - This keeps the account consolidated and removes all wastage
  • This is also optimal as bad creatives simply do not spend, only winners spend which means we are as efficient as possible

We implemented the following:

  • Creative testing volume increased to testing minimum of 30 new assets a month (strategised and produced by our in house team)
  • Product/ offer testing to gain an understanding of what products moved the needle and appealed the most to new customers
  • Creative feedback loop to leave no stone unturned and ensure we are learning from ALL creative tests, using this to inform our creative strategy
  • New bundles/ offers to get customers excited and over the line

Main Ad Account Takeaways

  • Always be as consolidated as possible - Gone are the days of needing a new campaign weekly, creative strategy moves the needle. Less campaigns results in a cleaner, easier to manage approach meaning we can spend our time on what really matters.
  • Going as broad as possible with targeting, as soon as possible - We should be aiming to go broad with targeting as soon as possible - Every sale you achieve on a broad audience makes the machine algo much smarter
  • Don't force spend on ads, at any level of your ad account - You don't need to be forcing spend on creatives, if meta isn’t pushing spend to them, you already have your answer. Let the machine go to work and do its thing.
  • Utilise Catalog ads correctly - We should always use catalog DPAs, but be aware of the role they play in your ad account and don’t try to scale them too hard - They push people over the line.
  • Creative diversification is KEY - Creative is our targeting now - This is how we tap into different pockets of our audience, by utilising new creative formats.

Next Steps

We’ve been able to assist Enigma to achieve unprecedented growth year to date in 2024, and we look forward to continuing this for the rest of the year heading into busier periods such as Q4.

Want results like this for your brand?

How we helped Enigma Football scale their sales by 155% 🚀

  • Revenue up 155%
  • Orders up 106%
  • Store sessions up by 200%


Founded in 2020 Enigma Football had been bored in lockdown and wanted an exciting way to collect football shirts. They decided to create a mystery football shirt box to help football fans grow their football shirt collection in the most unique and exciting way possible.

Enigma partnered with us in February of 2024, with desires to grow to new levels this year, and so far we have helped them to do just that!

Our approach

Our process involved creating a custom built creative strategy centered around hero products and winning offers, that effectively communicated the brand’s key messages through powerful imagery, and engaging content, naturally appealing to the target demographic of football obsessed males of all ages!

We built out a creative feedback loop, constantly monitoring hook rates and hold rates of our video creatives, as well as conversion metrics such as CAC/ ROAS. This allowed us to remove the guesswork and spend all of our time producing new assets based on what was already working.

By leveraging this approach, we not only doubled sales in just 3 months, but also gathered valuable data on which specific creatives resonated with their customer.

How did we do it?

Focusing on new offers/ bundles

Something we had noticed in our initial audit, was a competitive mystery football shirts space, so it was important for us to work with Enigma on crafting new bundles/ compelling offers so that we could stand out in a competitive space.

Holistic measurement

Tracking the correct business wide, holistic metrics (not just living inside of the ad account):

MER (Marketing efficiency ratio)

CAC (Customer acquisition costs)

NCAC (New customer acquisition cost)

AOV (Average order value)

CVR (Conversion rate)

Once we had the full picture with the above metrics we began to work backwards to implement the perfect Meta marketing strategy that would allow the brand to profitably & efficiently scale finding new customers.

Pain Points

  • Conversion rate of below 2%, we worked with the client to get this up to 3% by running regular landing page audits and tests
  • Competitive space, lack of differentiation
  • Lack of creative testing/ content production - Creative fatiguing too quickly
  • Creative doing product an injustice - Lack of focus around key angles/ value propositions of the products

Ad account overview

  • Super consolidated account
  • Having a testing/ scaling CBO campaign for each winning product - This keeps the account consolidated and removes all wastage
  • This is also optimal as bad creatives simply do not spend, only winners spend which means we are as efficient as possible

We implemented the following:

  • Creative testing volume increased to testing minimum of 30 new assets a month (strategised and produced by our in house team)
  • Product/ offer testing to gain an understanding of what products moved the needle and appealed the most to new customers
  • Creative feedback loop to leave no stone unturned and ensure we are learning from ALL creative tests, using this to inform our creative strategy
  • New bundles/ offers to get customers excited and over the line

Hear from our partners

Main ad account takeaways

  • Always be as consolidated as possible - Gone are the days of needing a new campaign weekly, creative strategy moves the needle. Less campaigns results in a cleaner, easier to manage approach meaning we can spend our time on what really matters.
  • Going as broad as possible with targeting, as soon as possible - We should be aiming to go broad with targeting as soon as possible - Every sale you achieve on a broad audience makes the machine algo much smarter
  • Don't force spend on ads, at any level of your ad account - You don't need to be forcing spend on creatives, if meta isn’t pushing spend to them, you already have your answer. Let the machine go to work and do its thing.
  • Utilise Catalog ads correctly - We should always use catalog DPAs, but be aware of the role they play in your ad account and don’t try to scale them too hard - They push people over the line.
  • Creative diversification is KEY - Creative is our targeting now - This is how we tap into different pockets of our audience, by utilising new creative formats.

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