Helped Bare Kind profitably increase their revenue by 4137% in just 90 days!

333% Increase in conversion rate

2570% Increase in orders

We went from spending £30 per day on ads in August to £1k per day on ads in December

Revenue increased by 4137%


When this client first reached out to us in the summer, they were extremely worried as peak periods were approaching, and revenue was going backwards. They’d been working with a freelancer who was spending around £1k per month on ads and pretty much breaking even.

Our eyes lit up as they had a few things going for them when they came to us:

-A great product

-An in house graphic designer which allowed us to turn great ad creative around at lightning speed

-Solid customer service

-Big budget to scale quick (if results were good enough and they stopped lighting cash on fire)

How did we do it?

We knew we had to get the ball rolling as time was of the essence. We immediately began vigorously testing angles, and got great UGC and graphics made for each angle.

Orders up by 5000%

Conversion Rate up by 225% £6 NCPA


We found a winner in September, the ‘gifting’ angle. We then began to iterate on this and found more sub angles similar. Before we knew it, we had several winning angles and tons of great UGC and graphics. We had the green light to scale aggressively as peak periods were approaching.

With an AOV of £25, we knew we didn’t have to over complicate our sales funnel. This is definitely an impulse purchase and with key gifting periods approaching, we crafted fun, colourful, charismatic ad creative which allowed us to separate ourselves from our competitors.

We were able to scale ad spend from spending just £30 per day in August, to spending £1k per day in December up until the shut off period for Christmas delivery.

This client had their best ever month in September, October, November, and then December.